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With the integration of TikTok and Clay, managing your personal and professional connections has never been easier. Clay's powerful CRM capabilities combined with TikTok's vast social network offers a seamless solution for centralizing your contacts and interactions across platforms.

For businesses, this integration streamlines customer relationship management by consolidating customer profiles, interactions, and communication history into a single, user-friendly interface. Say goodbye to scattered data and hello to a comprehensive view of your customer journey. Effortlessly update contact details, track conversations, and access crucial information whenever you need it.

Individuals can also benefit from this integration by having a unified feed of their connections across TikTok and other platforms. Keep your personal and professional networks organized, search for specific contacts with ease, and stay up-to-date with the latest updates from your connections. With Clay and TikTok working together, you'll never miss an important interaction or struggle to find the right contact again.

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