Ricardo de Paz Gomez
Director en Polimatia
Ricardo de Paz Gomez is a highly educated individual, holding a diverse range of qualifications from prestigious institutions. He completed his Entrenador Titulado Nivel 1 de Fútbol Sala at the Federación Madrileña de Fútbol Sala. Furthering his expertise, Ricardo pursued studies in Experto en Coaching at INTEcoach and a Master Avanzado de Marketing Digital at Experts Academy by Wanatop. Being committed to continuous learning, he also obtained an Executive MBA from ESIC: Business & Marketing School, a PSDV Programa Superior en Dirección de Ventas from the same institution, and a Licenciado degree from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. His educational journey includes specialized courses like Curso Especializado en Comercio Electrónico, Curso de Técnicas de Negociación Comercial, and Curso especializado en Project Management, all from ESIC: Business & Marketing School.