Ignasi Lluch
PhD. Near Space Labs CTO
Ignasi Lluch is the Chief Technology Officer and Head of Product at Near Space Labs.12 He studied design techniques and systems engineering.12 Lluch holds a PhD in space systems engineering.2
Lluch's career highlights:
- Education Lluch studied aerospace in Barcelona, specializing in satellite engineering.2 He attended the European Space Agency and later earned his PhD in space systems engineering.2 He also attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology.3
- Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology In 2011, Lluch joined the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology in Russia, where he conducted leading-edge research in satellite communications and constellations.2 It was there he met Rema Matevosyan, with whom he would later co-found Near Space Labs.2
- Near Space Labs Lluch, along with Rema Matevosyan and Albert Caubet, founded Near Space Labs.2 The company uses balloon technology to offer an alternative to satellite technology.2 At Near Space Labs, he focuses on process and reinventing it to fit the company’s vision.2 He emphasizes testing and building relationships between technologists and customers.2 Lluch envisions Near Space Labs achieving "stratospheric supremacy" with advanced balloon technology.2
Lluch also has a profile on LinkedIn with the username "ignasilc".3
Apr 12 ·
ignasi Lluch - Near Space Labs