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What are some of Fabiano Rosa Proti’s interests or hobbies?
Profile Image for Fabiano Rosa Proti

Fabiano Rosa Proti

Digital trade and E-commerce at Abbott
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Fabiano Rosa Proti is an accomplished marketing and finance professional, with a focus on the fashion and retail industries. He holds a Master's Degree in Fashion and Marketing Communication from the Instituto Europeo de Design, and has studied Finance/Banking at the Instituto Maua de Tecnologia and Communication Planning at the Miami Ad School. He has experience working in diverse roles, including business development, brand management, and marketing consultancy, for well-known companies such as Nike, Abbott and Credicard. He has also worked with emerging startups, like 24/7 Media, and has experience in digital marketing, e-commerce, and big data analysis.

Throughout his career, Proti has honed his skills in strategic planning, relationship marketing, digital marketing analytics, and sales management. His passion for the fashion industry is evident in his work as Business/Marketing Director for Doc Dog, a Brazilian retail and wholesale fashion company, and as Nikesportswear Brand Manager at Nike. His expertise in finance and banking has also proved valuable in his role as Digital Trade and E-commerce specialist at Abbott.

Overall, Proti's diverse educational and professional background, combined with his passion for fashion and expertise in finance and digital marketing, make him a valuable addition to any organization in these fields.

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