Wout De Ridder
Zaakvoerder bij Deriva ( De Ridder Vastgoedbeheer)
Wout De Ridder is the Zaakvoerder (Managing Director) at Insurea bv, not Deriva (De Ridder Vastgoedbeheer) as mentioned in the query.3 He is located in the Brussels Metropolitan Area and has 257 connections on LinkedIn.3 The LinkedIn profile with the username "wout-de-ridder-890b43b8" corresponds to this individual.3
It's worth noting that there are multiple individuals named Wout De Ridder on LinkedIn with different professional roles:
- A Partner at Level Next, associated with Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.1
- A financial advisor at Belfius.2
- An individual based in Merelbeke, Flemish Region, Belgium.4
However, the specific Wout De Ridder mentioned in the query is the Zaakvoerder at Insurea bv, not Deriva as initially stated.