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Who are Vishal Mehra’s most high-profile connections?
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Vishal Mehra

Branch head leading digital and growth - UC Berkeley - Haas Alumnus
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Vishal Mehra is a seasoned digital strategist with over 15 years of experience working with Fortune 100 brands across industries. He has created and led digital practices at top consultancies, agencies, and start-ups in India, bringing category-creating digital products to the country. Vishal's expertise spans a wide range of areas, including emerging technologies, digital/integrated strategy, mobile marketing, and commercial aviation. He has a Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing and a Master of Business Administration in Marketing. Vishal has also studied executive management at the University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business. He shares his knowledge and insights by contributing to leading advertising and marketing websites like AdAge and India Digital Review. Vishal is currently the Senior Vice President at 22feet Tribal Worldwide, leading the team in Gurgaon/New Delhi and overseeing the northern region of the country.

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This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.