victona Lucas
Hôte d'accueil
Victona Lucas is a Hôte d'accueil (reception host) working at Bredin Prat, a law firm in France.1 While specific details about her career are limited, we can gather the following information:
Current Position: Victona Lucas is employed as a Hôte d'accueil at Bredin Prat, which likely involves greeting and assisting visitors and clients at the firm's reception area.1
Education: She received her education at the Ecole de restauration (School of Catering) in Bayonne, France.1
Location: Victona Lucas is based in France.1
Professional Network: Her LinkedIn profile indicates that she has 64 connections on the platform.1
It's important to note that the spelling of her first name as "Victona" rather than "Victoria" appears to be correct, as it is consistently used in the search result. This could be a unique spelling or possibly a typo in her profile. Her LinkedIn username is indeed victona-lucas-279543b5, as mentioned in the query.1