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Sital Vachhani

Associate Director Product Management at Sapphire Digital
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Sital Vachhani is an accomplished fintech and edtech professional with a diverse background in client service, operations, business development, and alternative investments. Vachhani studied at the Virginia Commonwealth University and the William & Mary – Raymond A. Mason School of Business, where she completed a Finance MBA with an exchange focus in finance at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH).

Vachhani has held multiple positions at top-tier companies, including Sapphire Digital (formerly, Vitals), Selected, Inc., State Street, Goldman Sachs, Beacon Management Corporation, Hamilton & Company, and Murray Enterprises, LLC.

With her experience and expertise, Vachhani has been able to effectively manage products, business development, and hedge fund administration among other fields. Her strong educational background has prepared her extensively to provide value in the fintech and edtech space.

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