Siddhartha DasGupta
Credit Cards | Consumer Finance | Payments | Sales | Finance | Business Development | Digital Marketing | SBI Card | Ex - GE
Siddhartha DasGupta is a highly motivated and energetic professional with a strong interest in challenging roles within the financial services industry. With extensive experience in B2B sales, digital marketing, relationship management, strategic planning, financial modeling, and payments, DasGupta has built an impressive portfolio of skills and expertise. He is a graduate of Sardar Patel Vidyalaya, and currently serves as the Senior Vice President of Corporate Acquisition at SBI Card. His specialties include credit cards, commercial cards, and various other offerings within the credit and payments space, and he is highly sought-after for his strategic planning and relationship management skills. If you're looking for a top-tier finance professional with a proven track record of success, Siddhartha DasGupta is a name to know.