Saysana Sirimanotham
Saysana Sirimanotham is a professional working in the field of HIV advocacy and community engagement. They were appointed as the Communication and Community Engagement Officer at the National Association of People Living with HIV Australia (NAPWHA) in 2019.1 In this role, Saysana is responsible for communication strategies and engaging with the HIV-positive community in Australia.2
Saysana is based in Sydney, NSW, and has connections to various organizations in the health sector. They have worked with Hepatitis NSW3 and are involved in projects related to HIV awareness and support. Saysana is also associated with the Positive Asian Network Australia (PANA), which is a community and advocacy network for Asian people living with HIV.5
In addition to their work at NAPWHA, Saysana has been involved in conferences and initiatives related to HIV/AIDS responses and human rights.4 They have also contributed to resources supporting women living with HIV, such as a breastfeeding community resource.2
Saysana Sirimanotham's LinkedIn profile shows their current position as NSW Campaign Project Lead, with previous experience at Hepatitis NSW and education from General Assembly.3