Paul Risler
Senior Pastor at Central Avenue United Methodist Church
Paul Risler is the Senior Pastor at Central Avenue United Methodist Church in Athens, Ohio.12 He has served as one of the pastors at Central for 25 years and completed his doctoral degree in Preaching and Church Leadership at Asbury Theological Seminary in Spring 2021.1 Risler is also the architect of the West Ohio Intern Program, serves on the Conference Board of Ministry, and acts as a coach and mentor for several pastors throughout the denomination.1 Additionally, he works as an adjunct instructor of preaching through United Theological Seminary's Course of Study.1 The church he leads has about 200 members.2
Additional Roles and Contributions
- Risler is known for his efforts in reaching out to congregants, particularly in addressing the issue of disappearing church members.2
- He has made significant contributions to various organizations as a charismatic Senior Pastor.
- Risler is listed in the West Ohio Conference of The United Methodist Church directory, indicating his active involvement in the broader Methodist community.3
Aug 18 ·
Ghosted Again? Pastors Respond to Disappearing Congregants