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Who are Patrick Brothers’s most high-profile connections?
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Patrick Brothers

Co-CEO & Co-Founder at HolonIQ. Global Education Intelligence
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Patrick Brothers is a highly accomplished individual with a diverse background in business, education, and military training.

He holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a focus on Corporate Strategy, Corporate Finance, and Strategic Management from the Australian Graduate School of Management.

Additionally, Patrick has a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics & Computer Science from the University of New South Wales, showcasing his strong foundation in quantitative subjects.

His passion for learning is evident through his completion of the Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree at Udacity, reflecting his interest in emerging technologies.

Furthermore, Patrick has a unique blend of skills acquired through his studies in Strategy, Leadership, Management, Warfare, and Tactical Operations at the Royal Military College - Duntroon.

Currently, Patrick Brothers serves as the Co-CEO and Co-Founder at HolonIQ, where he channels his mission-focused and purpose-led approach to drive the organization towards success.

This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.