Nazlı Güngör
Software Engineer @ Salesforce
The information available does not specifically identify a Nazlı Güngör working as a software engineer at Salesforce. Here are the details found on individuals with the name Nazlı Güngör:
Nazlı Güngör in Academia: One Nazlı Güngör is an associate professor at Gazi University, involved in various academic and research activities related to English language education and foreign language teaching.1
Nazlı Güngör in Engineering: There is a mention of a Nazlı Güngör joining the engineering team at Puzzle, but this does not specify her as working at Salesforce.2
Nazlı Güngör, Basketball Player: Another individual with the same name is a Turkish basketball player.3
Since the LinkedIn username nazligungor
is mentioned, you might need to check the LinkedIn profile directly to get accurate and up-to-date information about the specific Nazlı Güngör working at Salesforce. The available sources do not provide this specific detail.