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Mimi Wolfe Strouse

SummaryAI Assisted Badge

Mimi Strouse is a seasoned professional in the fields of education and technology. She studied Bachelor Of Arts In History, African Studies at Trinity College - Hartford, and also pursued African Studies at University Of Cape Town.

Ms. Strouse has held various leadership positions in numerous organizations over the years. She has served as a Member of the Board Of Trustees at Usa Funds, a Senior Advisor at Accretive Health, and a Managing Director at Warburg Pincus Llc. She also served as the Chairman of the Board Of Directors at Fortent, and was a Board Member at Yodlee, Wns Global Services, Bridgepoint Education, Everspring Inc--Partners In On-Line Education, MLM, and Rebus. Ms. Strouse's expertise in the field of online education and education technology is evidenced by her past board memberships and advisory roles within these industries.

Ms. Strouse's experience in education and technology has helped her cultivate a wealth of knowledge and expertise in her field. She has also made a name for herself as a prominent member of the finance and investment spheres. Through her work with Warburg Pincus Llc, she has developed an understanding of the investment side of the education and technology industries.

In summary, Mimi Strouse's education and experience have allowed her to develop a diverse set of skills that position her as a respected leader in the fields of education, technology, finance and investment.

This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.
This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.