Mike H.
Sales professional specializing in cloud contact center technologies, AI, and customer experience
Mike Hosley is a seasoned entrepreneur, educator, and leader with vast experience in the telecommunications and investment industries. He has founded and led multiple ventures, including MetroCoast Adventure Outfitters and Datacenters and Colocation, where he served as Co-Founder and Managing Director, respectively. Hosley has also held senior executive roles at renowned companies like Nuera, AudioCodes, and Star Telecommunications, Inc., where he served as VP International Relations, Executive Director, and Director of Sales/Evangelist, respectively. He has also worked as an adjunct professor of business at San Diego University for Integrative Studies, where he taught cross-cultural management strategies, IT, and business. Hosley is a visionary leader and an accomplished professional with an exceptional ability to identify and pursue opportunities that drive growth and profitability.