Michaela Cotty
Business Owner & SWVA Business Development
Michaela Cotty is a business professional based in the Greater Bournemouth Area of the United Kingdom.1 She is currently serving as a Business Owner and Business Development Manager at South Western Vehicle Auctions (SWVA).14
Professional Background
Michaela has a diverse background in business and marketing. Her LinkedIn profile, which can be found under the username "michaelacotty," showcases her experience and connections in the industry.13
Current Role and Responsibilities
As a Business Owner and Business Development Manager at SWVA, Michaela likely plays a crucial role in expanding the company's reach and fostering new business opportunities. Her position suggests she is involved in strategic planning and client relationship management within the vehicle auction industry.
Additional Ventures
Beyond her primary role, Michaela appears to have entrepreneurial interests:
- She has launched a program called "Slim With The Mind," which focuses on changing people's relationships with food and exercise through hypnotherapy.2
- Michaela is associated with Beauty and Beyond, possibly in a leadership or ownership capacity.5
Professional Network
Michaela is well-connected in her field, with over 500 connections on LinkedIn and 807 followers.1 This extensive network likely contributes to her effectiveness in business development and industry relationships.
Michaela Cotty's profile demonstrates a multifaceted career with a focus on business development, entrepreneurship, and innovative health and wellness initiatives.