Michael Katzmann
Ziele erfolgreich erreichen durch Business Design ∞ Mehr Klarheit durch Leadership & Business Coaching ∞ Führungsqualitäten steigern durch Leadership Training ∞ Consulting im Bereich Web 3 Applications ∞ Dozent
Michael Katzmann is a trainer, coach, and consultant based in Berlin, Germany. He specializes in leadership development, communication skills enhancement, and personal growth methodologies.1 As a Partner at Create Meaning from January 2022 to April 2023, Katzmann focused on empowering individuals and businesses to achieve their goals through clarity.1 His expertise includes leadership training, sales training, executive coaching, business coaching, and communication training.1 Katzmann's background as a former entrepreneur and executive gives him insight into the challenges his clients face.1 He particularly works with startups, mid-sized companies, and business personalities to help them recognize and utilize their strengths, improve their skills, and reach their objectives.1