Martha Mha
Resource Counselor II /Disability Counselor at Truman Medical Centers
I couldn't find specific information about Martha Armenta MHA, who is a Resource Counselor II/Disability Specialist at Truman Medical Centers, using the provided search results. However, based on similar profiles, Martha Armenta MHA appears to be a professional with a background in health administration, as indicated by her Master's degree in Health Administration (MHA). If you are looking for more detailed information about her, you might need to access her LinkedIn profile directly or contact Truman Medical Centers for more details.
Here are some general details about professionals with similar backgrounds:
- Martha Armenta MHA (not the specific individual at Truman Medical Centers) is described in some profiles as a seasoned professional with experience in human resources and financial recruitment, holding an MHA degree.2
- Martha Armenta profiles on LinkedIn show various professionals with different roles and locations, but none specifically match the description of being a Resource Counselor II/Disability Specialist at Truman Medical Centers.134
To find more specific information about Martha Armenta MHA at Truman Medical Centers, you would need to access her LinkedIn profile or contact the hospital directly.