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Marcie Miranda

Partner & Digital Production Artist at Machina Creative
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Marcie Miranda has built her career on a foundation of exceptional customer service skills and a passion for creativity. Over the years, she has worked in a range of customer-facing roles, applying her problem-solving acumen and knack for design to enhance the experience of everyone from coffee shop patrons to corporate clients. With a degree in physical geography from the University of Saskatchewan, as well as training in subjects such as AutoCAD, interior decorating, and environmental technology, Miranda has developed a diverse skill set that has served her well throughout her professional journey. Joining her husband's web design and development firm Jeff Miranda Designs (now Machina Creative) in 2015, Miranda has taken on a range of responsibilities, including project management, graphic design, content writing, and social media management. As someone who loves the Oxford comma and is always up for a challenge, Miranda is excited to tackle whatever comes her way in the months and years ahead.

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