Manideep Luckyreddy
RPA Developer at Nitco Inc. - Certified by UiPath.
The information provided does not match the profile of a person named Manideep Reddy Luckyreddy working as an RPA Developer at NITCO, Inc. Here are the details found on individuals with similar names:
Manideep Reddy Luckyreddy mentioned in the sources is a Full-stack Developer at Comcast, not an RPA Developer at NITCO, Inc. He is based in Irving and has a profile on LinkedIn.1
There is no mention of an individual named Manideep Reddy Luckyreddy working at NITCO, Inc. in the provided sources.
If the LinkedIn username manideep-reddy-luckyreddy-0a493840
is correct, it would be best to check the actual LinkedIn profile for the most accurate and up-to-date information. However, based on the available data, this person does not appear to be associated with NITCO, Inc. or the role of an RPA Developer.