Livia Arrigoni
Director, Risk Assurance Services at PwC Canada
Livia Arrigoni is a Partner in Deloitte Canada's Risk Advisory practice, leading the Sustainability & Climate Change practice in Quebec.1 With over 18 years of experience, she specializes in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting and assisting clients with sustainability-related assurance and advisory services.13
Key aspects of Livia Arrigoni's professional profile include:
Expertise: She focuses on developing ESG reporting road maps and helping clients with sustainability data, methodologies, processes, and controls.1
Experience: Livia has worked on gap assessments and benchmarking for international sustainability standards and initiatives, including GRI, SASB, TCFD, and CDP.1
Education: She holds a master's degree in management and economics, during which she developed a strong interest in climate change and sustainable supply chains.3
Languages: Livia is trilingual, speaking English, French, and Italian.1
Location: She is based in Montreal, Quebec, at La Tour Deloitte.1
Career progression: Livia joined Deloitte as a Partner in the Risk Advisory practice after completing her McGill-HEC Montréal EMBA in 2020.4
Livia Arrigoni's role at Deloitte Canada involves leading sustainability reporting initiatives and helping organizations navigate the evolving landscape of ESG reporting and climate-related disclosures.12