Lex Groot
Huisarts in opleiding en promovendus TOOL onderzoek
Lex Groot is a physician with a strong educational background in Biomedical Sciences and Clinical Investigation. He has a deep interest in elderly patients and their complex medical and psychological conditions. With his experience in neurology and nursing homes, Groot has honed his skills as a generalist and works with a comprehensive clinical view. He is currently pursuing his PhD and has relevant research skills.
Groot has been affiliated with several organizations, including LOVAH and VU Amsterdam, where he worked on "continuity of care" projects. He has also held positions as an ANIOS (junior doctor) in neurology and geriatrics at major Dutch hospitals like Amphia Ziekenhuis and Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep.
Groot's interests extend beyond medicine, having worked as a private teacher and a kitchen employee. However, his focus is on elderly and family medicine, and he continues to hone his expertise in this area through his training to become a GP.