Ksenia Winnicki
Book Publicist and Proofreader and Book Publishing Professional
Ksenia Winnicki is a freelance proofreader at Page Street Publishing with over 15 years of experience in the book publishing industry.2 Her professional background includes expertise in various areas of publishing, such as:
Areas of Expertise
- Production editorial
- Trade marketing
- Digital marketing
- Publicity
Ksenia's extensive experience in the publishing field suggests that she is a seasoned professional who has likely worked on numerous projects throughout her career. As a freelance proofreader for Page Street Publishing, she would be responsible for tasks such as:
- Correcting spelling and punctuation
- Ensuring consistency across manuscripts
- Checking table of contents and cross-referencing chapter heads, subheads, footers, and folios
- Suggesting wording changes to improve clarity
- Marking layout problems
- Adding page numbers where necessary
- Complying with style guides and using standard proofreading marks1
Given her role at Page Street Publishing, Ksenia likely works remotely, as the company hires freelance editors for remote work through email and mail.1 Her LinkedIn profile serves as a professional networking tool, allowing her to showcase her skills and experience in the publishing industry.