Katie Peyton
Vista IT Systems--Medina High School--Cameo
The information provided does not match the LinkedIn username katie-peyton-0b7440a5
for the Marketing Specialist at Vista IT Systems. Here is what is known about the different individuals named Katie Peyton:
Marketing Specialist at Vista IT Systems
This Katie Peyton works as a Marketing Specialist at Vista IT Systems. She has also held other roles such as District Administrator at Vlt Academy and Associate Campaign Manager at Alliance Data.23
Katherine Peyton on LinkedIn
The LinkedIn profile with the username katie-peyton-0b7440a5
actually belongs to a different individual named Katherine Peyton. She is an Executive Assistant at Cox Communications, with over 10 years of experience supporting high-achieving executives and collaborating with diverse teams.1
Therefore, the Katie Peyton who is a Marketing Specialist at Vista IT Systems does not have the LinkedIn username katie-peyton-0b7440a5