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    Justyna Wydra

    Pisarka, redaktorka, copywriter... Pracuję ze słowami oraz internetami.

    Justyna Wydra is a highly skilled copywriter, marketer, and project manager with a keen eye for detail and a passion for words. Throughout her career, she has worked for prestigious companies such as Gazeta Prawna, Helion SA, and CHILID SP.J, where she has gained invaluable experience in creating compelling content, managing campaigns, and developing marketing strategies.

    A graduate of Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, Justyna has also completed postgraduate studies in Public Relations at Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach, which have provided her with a solid foundation in communication, branding, and reputation management.

    Over the years, Justyna has honed her skills in social media, graphic design, Google Adwords, SCRUM, and email marketing, using her expertise to help clients achieve their marketing goals and drive business growth. She is also an accomplished author, with a talent for writing engaging content that captivates readers and inspires action.

    In her free time, Justyna enjoys reading, writing poetry, and sharing her knowledge and insights with others through her blog and social media channels. Her love of words and her commitment to excellence make her a valuable asset to any team, and her dedication to continuous learning and improvement ensures that she stays at the forefront of the industry.

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