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Who are John Harcourt’s most high-profile connections?
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John Harcourt

Sales Enablement
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John Harcourt is an accomplished professional who has been in the technology industry for over twenty years. He has extensive experience in leading solutions strategy, product development, management, and marketing initiatives. John specializes in intra-/inter-data center server, storage, and network virtualization, resource mobility, and orchestration. He is a creative solutions marketer who has a high-standards and is an experienced cross-functional manager known to deliver world-class sales tools, collateral and training across various verticals. John has leveraged his technical depth and business insight to execute hands-on cutting-edge technical initiatives.

John has a Background in the software-defined data center (compute, network, and storage), data center/network edge virtualization/orchestration (IoT/5G), and cloud infrastructure focus. He has a unique skill set that includes international engineering management, technical management, product management, product marketing, new product strategy and strategic vision, solutions development, marketing communications, sales enablement, alliance partnerships, and channel development.

John has studied at Dawson College and Selwyn House School. He also studied at the Dawson Institute Of Photography. John has worked for several well-known companies as a consultant, including Dell Technologies as the Consultant, Product Management. He was also previously the Senior Director, Product Marketing at Vello Systems and Product Marketing Management at Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. John has been the Senior Director, Worldwide Channel at Silverback Systems Inc., EVP Marketing at Zinfi Technologies, Inc., VP Engineering and CTO, Emerging Electronic Solutions at Philips Electronics, Components Division, VP Business Development at NEC - PC Division (Packard Bell NEC), Director Advanced Development at NEC - NEC Technologies, Director Strategic Marketing at Nikon Precision Inc., and Studio Manager at Pete Turner Studio.

This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.