John Byerly
Operations Manager at Green Energy Construction and Consulting
The information provided does not match any of the John Byerly profiles listed in the sources. The profiles mentioned are for different individuals with various professions and locations:
- One John Byerly is a Senior AT&T Technician and artist based in North Carolina.1
- Another John Byerly is the Vice President of Credit Services at Sunbelt Rentals, Inc., based in Maryland.2
- There are several other John Byerlys in different roles, such as at Cummins Inc., FlashCut CNC, and CalSTRS, but none of these match the title "Operations Manager at Green Energy Construction and Consulting, LLC".345
To find the specific John Byerly you are looking for, you would need to search directly on LinkedIn using the username "johnbyerly" or the company name "Green Energy Construction and Consulting, LLC" to see if his profile is available.