Jen Weaver MBA
Vice President of Marketing
Jen Weaver, an accomplished marketing leader, boasts a successful track record in developing inclusive branding strategies and executing results-driven marketing campaigns. From multi-million dollar businesses to global brands, she has the necessary skills to capture revenue-generating market segments and position brands successfully in the target market. Her expertise lies in evaluating sales metrics, assessing competitor positioning, and trends, leading teams to achieve marketing objectives, and developing a distinctive brand philosophy focused on customers.
Jen has a bachelor's degree in advertising from Penn State University and an MBA in marketing from DeSales University. She has worked in various organizations throughout her career, including Ontario Systems, Equinox Benefits Consulting, Cedarville Engineering Group, LLC (CEG), eSOZO Computer and Network Services, National Penn, Cedar Crest College, Computer Aid, Inc., and David's Bridal. Furthermore, she is passionate about animal welfare and serves on the Board of Directors for Itty Bitty Kitty, Inc., a no-kill cat rescue organization in Allentown, PA.