Ingrid Bergman
Huisarts praktijkhouder Leonard Springer Haarlem Opleider Amsterdam UMC
Ingrid Bergman is a highly educated and experienced medical professional with a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree from Geneeskunde VU.
She furthered her education with a specialization in Eerstelijns echografie and Medisch diagnostische echografie from Fontys Hogeschool Eindhoven.
Ingrid also undertook training in Huisartsopleiding at AMC Amsterdam and completed her pre-university education at VWO Maurick College Vught.
She has served in various capacities within the medical field, including as an Opleider Huisartsopleiding at VUMC Amsterdam in Amsterdam UMC.
Ingrid Bergman has previously worked as a Huisarts at Huisartsen Leonard Springer in Haarlem and Huisartsat Huisartspraktijk Pleiaden in IJmuiden.