Imke Potma
Loopbaancoach & Mindful Walk instructeur - Bepaal je eigen koers
Imke Potma is a professional loopbaancoach who assists individuals in making choices, finding balance, and growing into their ideal roles using the NRG Method.
Imke focuses on raising awareness of personal patterns, guiding individuals from their comfort zones to the active zone, where they can redefine their direction, make informed choices, and regain control over their lives and careers.
One of the key pillars of Imke's approach is positivity, which she incorporates into her theoretical and practical methods through intuitive guidance and genuine engagement.
Imke's educational background includes studying NLP, HAVO, Verpleegkunde-A, Coaching en Counseling, Management Assistant, among other qualifications at various prestigious institutes.
Throughout her career, Imke has been associated with organizations like Hartevol, Koninklijke Horeca Nederland, FNV Bondgenoten, mboRijnland, i4 Housing, SWA - HR Diensten, Loopbaansupport Detailhandel, PostNL, Talentcoach, Tiofarma, Slabbers De Lange Office Support, DeBroekriem, IM Coach, AEGON, Fenestrae, and Accenture.
Imke Potma invites individuals interested in learning more about the NRG Method to contact her for a free consultation.