Giorgio Cinquantini
Amministratore unico presso la NBC System srl
Giorgio Cinquantini is a professional in the field of CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear) protection systems, specializing in individual and collective use, as well as prevention and mitigation of CBRN effects on critical infrastructures.
He is affiliated with Nbcsystem, a leading provider of CBRN solutions to various law enforcement and defense agencies in Italy, including the Carabinieri, Polizia di Stato, Guardia di Finanza, Polizia Penitenziaria, and Croce Rossa.
Giorgio and his team at Nbcsystem excel in conducting real risk analysis related to CBRN threats, personnel training in defense strategies, and crafting effective response plans to CBRN incidents.
One of their core capabilities includes swift and efficient decontamination of CBRN-affected areas within critical infrastructures to restore operational readiness promptly.