Francois Drounau
Président-Fondateur de L'Assemblage / Correspondant V&S news
François Drounau is the founder and president of L'Assemblage, an agency specializing in marketing and communication for the wine and spirits industry based in Bordeaux, France.12 He is an expert in brand strategies, marketing, and commercial development in the wine and spirits sector.3
Key points about François Drounau:
He founded L'Assemblage approximately 10 years ago, as the agency celebrated its 10th anniversary in early 2025.2
Drounau provides valuable advice to companies in the wine and spirits industry, particularly in the cognac sector, which is currently facing challenges.2
He is also involved with a collective called "La Nouvelle Vague" (The New Wave), which aims to help reconquer the French market for cognac.2
Recently, Drounau has taken on a new role as the Deputy General Manager (DGA) at Eco in Pack, a glass reuse startup based in Cognac.4
As part of his role at Eco in Pack, he is involved in the launch of Impact Consulting, a branch focused on helping clients reduce their environmental footprint.4
Drounau is known for his expertise in accompanying wine and spirits industry actors in their development through L'Assemblage.4