Duncan Geddie
Chief Operating Officer at The Geddie Company
Duncan Alastair Geddie is a versatile professional with a rich background in graphic design, web development, social media marketing (with a focus on Facebook), business process development, agile project management, researching, data collection, operations management, financial accounting, and data modeling. With a foundation from Howick High School, Duncan has assumed various roles such as Chief Operating Officer at The Geddie Company, Rentals Administrator at Meander Real Estates, Social Media Manager at SMC, Business Development Manager at Mobifoodz, and General Manager at CT Coatings. Duncan excels in leveraging a network of skilled associates within his company to handle tasks beyond his capabilities.
Dec 4 ·
[PDF] 2017 Annual Report - American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Oct 1 ·
Critical research gaps and translational priorities for the successful ...