Drew Tabb
Business Analyst at The Library Corporation
The information provided does not match the individual you are asking about, Drew Tabb, who is a Business Systems Administrator at The Library Corporation. Here are the key points from the sources provided, but none of them pertain to Drew Tabb:
Kaylin Andrew Tabb: The article mentions Kaylin Andrew Tabb, a vice president and team leader for the Technology, Media & Telecom corporate banking group at Wells Fargo, but this is not the same person as Drew Tabb.1
Drew Tabor: The LinkedIn profile is for Drew Tabor, who is the Founder/CEO of BetsBooster and has no connection to Drew Tabb or The Library Corporation.2
To find information about Drew Tabb, you would need to access his specific LinkedIn profile or other relevant sources directly associated with him. The LinkedIn username "drew-tabb-0997037" suggests you can find his profile on LinkedIn, but the provided sources do not contain any details about him.