Doug Miller
Not Quite Dead, now in REMISSION!
Doug Miller is an entrepreneur who co-founded Sales Makers in 1980 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, alongside Ray Gordon.124 He is known for developing a unique sales approach called Assertive Hospitality (or "Kill the customer with Kindness"), which differs from traditional hard-sell American sales techniques.13
Professional Highlights::
- Co-founded Sales Makers in 1979/1980145
- Moved to Europe in 1994 to introduce Sales Makers approach1
- Worked with over 900 clubs worldwide1
- Recognized by IHRSA as:
- Associate of the Year in 2001
- Ambassador to Scandinavia in 2006
- Member of the IHRSA European Council since 20071
Current Status::
- Owner of Sales Makers International
- Based in Hitcham, Suffolk, UK27
- Founder of a Virtual RoadShow5
- Retired from active business (as of September 2020)6
Miller's Sales Makers system has reportedly helped clubs increase sales by up to 38% within six months1, specializing in membership sales for fitness and club industries.3
Jan 1 ·
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Jan 1 ·
Sales Makers