Damien Schmitz
Directeur Marketing Software at Infopro Digital
The individual you are referring to as "Damien Schmitz, Directeur Marketing Software at Infopro Digital" does not match the profile of the Damien Schmitz found in the provided sources.
The Damien Schmitz mentioned in the sources is a different person with the following background:
- He was the Interim Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President of Finance at Groupon from November 2021 until he left the company, replaced by Jiří Ponrt in April 2023.2
- He has a extensive career in finance, having held various roles at Groupon, including VP, Finance and North America CFO, CFO, International, and Senior Director, Global FP&A. He also worked at PwC and 3M Health Care.1
- After leaving Groupon, he is associated with Eventmaker, where he is listed as the CEO, not as a director at Infopro Digital.34
Therefore, the Damien Schmitz you are asking about does not appear to be the same person described in the available sources.
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