Christian Kit Kattenberg
CEO Informed | digital health specialist
Christian Kit Kattenberg is an established healthcare innovation specialist with a vast experience in electronic health records (EHR), change management, integral capacity management, health finance, and information technology.
His passion lies in health-tech innovation, strategy development, change management, organizational design, patient journeys, and project implementation, aiming to bridge the gap between technology and people.
With a diverse educational background, Christian has pursued studies at various institutions including the University of Applied Sciences Haarlem, Bonaventura College, IESE Business School, Strathmore Business School, INCAE Business School, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, and Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.
Throughout his career, Christian has held significant roles such as Manager digitale zorg (CIO) at IZER (Integrale Zorggroep Eerstelijn Rijnmond), Business Analyst VIPP2 subsidy at Zelfstandige Klinieken Nederland ZKN, Key Account Manager VIPP2 subsidy at Zelfstandige Klinieken Nederland ZKN, and others spanning across healthcare, technology, and business sectors.