Chris Vallee
Electrician and Renewable Systems
Chris Vallee is an Alberta-based family man and a dedicated environmental activist who currently serves as the Green Party candidate in the Edmonton-Manning riding.
Committed to preserving resources for future generations, Chris advocates for a sustainable, fiscally responsible renewable energy strategy in Canada.
With a background in Materials Engineering Technology from NAIT, Chris transitioned into the fields of electrical work and solar installations while promoting renewable energy initiatives.
Notable for his involvement in campaigns such as The Way We Green, Phase Out Coal, Go Solar, and Stop Bill C-51, Chris actively works towards creating a greener and more resilient energy infrastructure.
Chris's efforts on the Go Solar campaign contributed to the approval of Edmonton's Energy Transition Strategy, potentially paving the way for community-based solar energy projects and job creation in the green sector.
Beyond his environmental work, Chris collaborates with various organizations to advocate for local food and agriculture, showcasing his commitment to holistic sustainability.
Support Chris Vallee's bid to become Edmonton's first Green Member of Parliament by contributing your time or resources to his campaign.