Bruno Ribeiro 🇧🇷 🌐 📡
O&M B2B / Rede Metro ETH / Rede Gpon - Diretoria de Entregas & Operações - BU ServB+NetCo
Bruno is a highly skilled and dedicated professional with extensive experience in the telecommunications and information technology industry. With a focus on delivering excellent results, he has built a career around his ability to negotiate, plan, and manage projects of different scales.
He holds a degree in Tecnólogo em Redes de Computadores (Computer Networks Technology) from Universidade Estácio de Sá and a Pós in Gerência de Projetos em Tecnologia da Informação (IT Project Management) from Centro Universitário Cesmac - FACET. Bruno has put these degrees to use in his various positions, including his most recent role at Algar Telecom, where he handled O&M for Telecomunicações, TIC, and B2B businesses on the Rede Metro ETH and Rede Gpon networks.
Additionally, Bruno has years of experience working at companies such as Telefônica Brasil - VIVO, GVT - Global Village Telecom, and Aloo Telecom, where he served as Técnico em Telecomunicações (Telecommunications Technician) and contributed his expertise in managing and maintaining networks.
Overall, Bruno is a highly professional and experienced individual whose skills and knowledge make him an invaluable asset to any organization looking for someone with a history of success in the telecommunications and information technology sector.