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Branka Andjelkovic

Research and Consulting for International Development - Future of Work, Inclusive Growth and Social Inclusion
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Branka Andjelkovic is a highly experienced public policy consultant with a strong background in program and policy design, strategic planning, and performance management. She has a passion for exploring the contested realities of the future of work and how it will impact society. Her expertise in public policy analysis, both in quantitative and qualitative research techniques, has allowed her to provide guidance to policymakers, business leaders, and other influential stakeholders in the development and management of inclusive programs and policies in the Southeast and wider European regions. She has co-founded and led the reputable think-tank in Serbia, Public Policy Research Center, and launched a pioneering nation-wide research program about the future of work based on the Decent Work Agenda. Branka's strong operational skills and experience as a senior consultant at UNDP, FCG SIPU International, as well as her past work with organizations such as Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations, John F. Kennedy School of Government, and the United Nations Development Programme, have given her the tools to evaluate and research social policy, civil engagement, poverty reduction, and economic development.

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