Bob Ferris
Owner, Ferris & Associates LLC
Based on the available search results, there is no direct information about Bob Ferris as the Owner of Ferris & Associates LLC with the specific LinkedIn username provided. However, I can provide some information about individuals named Bob Ferris in similar roles:
There are several individuals named Bob Ferris in business-related positions:
A Bob Ferris is listed as Vice President at Ferris Bros Inc on LinkedIn.4 While this is not the exact company mentioned in the query, it shows a Bob Ferris in a leadership role at a company with a similar name.
Another Bob Ferris is mentioned as the President and CEO of Ferris Enterprises inc. dba Big Apple Music, a position he has held since October 1984.1
There's also a Bob Ferris who is a Principal at Office Furniture Consulting, based in Dennis, MA.23
In the technology sector, a Bob Ferris is noted as a leader of the global information technology team at HarbourVest, focusing on delivering business capabilities.5
It's important to note that none of these exactly match the description of "Owner at Ferris & Associates LLC" or the specific LinkedIn username provided. The information about the person you're looking for may not be available in the given search results. If you have additional information or can verify the details, it might help in finding more accurate information about this specific Bob Ferris.