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Ben McBratney

Tech Lead, Incident Management at Braintree/PayPal
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Ben McBratney is an accomplished Technical Team Lead with a diverse background in technical support, incident coordination, campaign management, and retail activation. He studied BS at Amherst College before moving on to various positions in the technology and consulting industries.

Ben's journey began as a Lakefront Supervisor at City of Evanston before joining Accenture as a Systems Integration Consulting Analyst and later a Contractor at ClearCentric Solutions, LLC. He then honed his skills in project management and customer service as a Student at Startup Institute, which led him to a Campaign Manager role at Promoboxx, where he managed and executed marketing campaigns for retail clients. He later became a Technical Support representative at Braintree and was later promoted as an Incident Coordinator and Technical Team Lead.

With his invaluable experience in technical support, customer service, and project management, Ben can handle complex tasks and lead teams to successfully achieve their objectives. His background in both consulting and technology makes him adept at analyzing and providing effective solutions to clients' needs.

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