Anks Patel
Brand Strategist & Peoplepreneur® - Leverage your brand’s potential to create change in people’s lives -
Anks Patel is a certified brand strategist with a passion for helping people-driven, social entrepreneurs, and change makers create meaningful brands.
An optimist at heart, Anks envisions a world where purpose drives connections and growth among individuals.
With a focus on people-centric branding, Anks assists in providing clarity, establishing effective brand strategies, fostering emotional connections through causes, and creating a sense of fulfillment in both businesses and individuals.
Anks emphasizes the importance of adapting to the ever-evolving world to meet the changing needs of audiences and believes that future brands must be centered around people.
Currently, Anks Patel operates as a Brand Strategy Consultant, having previously founded Peoplepreneur and held managerial roles at Subway and Binary Desyns.