Anipr Lukmon Oloyede
Brand & Marketing Manager - Strategy Nerd - Growth Enthusiast - Communications Specialist - PR Expert - SDGs Advocate
Lukmon Oloyede, ANIPR, MCIM is a seasoned professional with over 10 years of experience in brand and marketing strategy, product management, and public relations.1 He is known for his expertise in business support, growth strategies, and marketing communications.12
Oloyede is currently the Head of Product Marketing & Brand Communications at Zedvance Finance Limited. He describes himself as a consummate brand and marketing strategist, product manager, and public relations enthusiast.1 His approach emphasizes continuous growth and expansion in both personal and professional spheres.2
Throughout his career, Oloyede has demonstrated a keen interest in various aspects of marketing and communications:
- He has written about the evolution of public relations, arguing that PR is evolving rather than becoming obsolete.3
- Oloyede has discussed the growing importance and potential disruption in influencer marketing.4
- He has also explored sports marketing opportunities, particularly in the context of major events like the Rio 2016 Olympics.5
Oloyede holds professional certifications, including ANIPR (Associate, Nigerian Institute of Public Relations) and MCIM (Member, Chartered Institute of Marketing), which reflect his commitment to professional development in his field.1