Andreas Schwarz
Das Leben ist Veränderung
Andreas Schwarz is the Bundesvorsitzender (Federal Chairman) of the Bundesverband der Sachverständigen für das Versicherungswesen e.V. (BVSV), a professional association that promotes the interests and quality of expert activities in the insurance industry.1 He has held this position since 2013 and has over 34 years of experience in the insurance sector.1
Key points about Andreas Schwarz:
Professional Experience:
Education and Certifications:
Recent Activities:
- Leads the development of BVSV-Gewerbezentren (commercial centers) across Germany, with over 220 centers established in three years2
- Advocates for transparency, professionalism, and innovation in the insurance market1
- Involved in addressing recent controversies surrounding BVSV-Gewerbezentren, defending their independence and business model3
Andreas Schwarz aims to strengthen the insurance industry by providing expert guidance and risk management solutions to businesses through the BVSV network.12
Sep 28 ·
Andreas Schwarz - BVSV Gewerbezentrum | Business-Leaders
Dec 6 ·
Andreas Schwarz - International Crisis and Risk ...
Jan 1 ·
Impressum & Datenschutz | Bundesverband der ...