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    Andreas Schwarz

    Das Leben ist Veränderung

    Andreas Schwarz is the Bundesvorsitzender (Federal Chairman) of the Bundesverband der Sachverständigen für das Versicherungswesen e.V. (BVSV), a professional association that promotes the interests and quality of expert activities in the insurance industry.1 He has held this position since 2013 and has over 34 years of experience in the insurance sector.1

    Key points about Andreas Schwarz:

    1. Professional Experience:

      • Bundesvorsitzender at BVSV since January 20141
      • Self-employed insurance expert since June 19891
      • Former Managing Director at Genion GmbH from July 1989 to October 20121
    2. Expertise:

      • Specializes in insurance consulting, assessment, and brokerage1
      • Certified external data protection officer1
      • Competencies include strategic planning, business strategy, corporate management, and network building1
    3. Education and Certifications:

      • Studied Finanzwirt at twi Koblenz1
      • Completed courses in insurance assessment at the BVSV Akademie1
      • Certified as an external data protection officer by IHK-Akademie Koblenz E.V. in June 20181
    4. Recent Activities:

      • Leads the development of BVSV-Gewerbezentren (commercial centers) across Germany, with over 220 centers established in three years2
      • Advocates for transparency, professionalism, and innovation in the insurance market1
      • Involved in addressing recent controversies surrounding BVSV-Gewerbezentren, defending their independence and business model3

    Andreas Schwarz aims to strengthen the insurance industry by providing expert guidance and risk management solutions to businesses through the BVSV network.12


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