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Who are Aaron Koh’s most high-profile connections?
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Aaron Koh

Business Development Director at Thunes
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Looking for someone who can help you solve complex payment issues in e-Commerce? Look no further than Aaron Koh, a business development director at Thunes with a wealth of experience in the IT and networking, finance and payment, and global merchant services industries. After starting his own IT and networking venture, Koh merged it with a local public listed company and eventually moved into finance and payment. His work has included helping companies navigate payment processes, fees, and foreign exchange rates. With a degree in international business management from the University of Northumbria and years of experience across a variety of industries, Koh brings a unique and diverse perspective to problem solving.

This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.
This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.