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Zach Tratar

Building Embra. Angel Investor. Past: Stripe (Banking), Founder of Jobstart (Acquired).
San Francisco Bay Area
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Zachary Tratar is an accomplished engineer, entrepreneur, and operator with a rich professional background across multiple industries such as payments, politics, recruiting, and social media. Tratar's experience encompasses a wide range of roles including engineering management, angel investing, and entrepreneurial ventures, all of which have helped him gain valuable insights into the complexities of business and technology. Tratar's educational background includes a BS in Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

In his current position as an Engineering Manager in Banking-as-a-Service at Stripe, Tratar works on the Issuing team, where he is responsible for building infrastructure that facilitates monetary spending at a global scale. He has also been involved as an angel investor and has invested in a few promising startups. Previously, Tratar co-founded Jobstart Inc, a career navigation platform that was acquired, and was also an Engineering Manager at Backplane, a social network that focused on linking people with shared interests.

Tratar's beliefs include automation being a game-changer for the economy and that every individual has a role to play in promoting economic growth. He also emphasizes the need to focus on solutions rather than problems, and that there is no "right" path to success. Tratar values the importance of nurturing people's intrinsic curiosity and exploration, believing it to be the key to unlocking limitless potential.

Mar 23 · Via Twitter

@tanayj We're aiming for the former.

Mar 22 · Via Twitter
This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.