Won Jang
Business Development Manager at Strum
Based on the available information, there appears to be some confusion or inconsistency regarding Won Jang's current position and company. Here's what we can piece together:
Won Jang is a professional with experience in business development and investment. While one search result mentions him as a Business Development Manager at a SaaS startup called Strum, other sources provide different information:
According to one profile, Won Jang is currently an Investment Manager (투자심사 매니저) at VentureSquare.1
He has previous experience as a Co-Founder at both Maetel and a Stealth Startup.1
Another profile lists him as Director of Commercial Strategy & Business Development at Bobcat Company, with education from Indiana University - Kelley School of Business.2
Given the discrepancies in the information and the lack of a definitive source confirming his current role at Strum, it's difficult to provide a conclusive answer about his position as Business Development Manager at Strum. The LinkedIn username wonjoonjang is associated with some of these profiles, but the information linked to it varies across sources.
To get accurate and up-to-date information about Won Jang's current position and professional background, it would be best to directly check his official LinkedIn profile or contact him personally for verification.