Wim van den Nobelen
Recruiter, investeerder in recruitment (bureaus en software), blogger op Werf&: Wim Op Woensdag en Ambassadeur van Guruz.
Wim van den Nobelen: Recruiter, Investor, and Founder at FinCar
Wim van den Nobelen is a prominent figure in the recruitment industry in the Netherlands. He is the founder and recruiter at FinCar, a company specializing in finance and accounting recruitment.25
Some key facts about Wim van den Nobelen:
- He is the owner and recruiter at FinCar35
- He is an investor in recruitment agencies and software13
- He is a blogger on the website Werf&, where he writes a column called "Wim Op Woensdag"13
- He is an ambassador for Guruz, a recruitment platform13
- His LinkedIn username is wimvandennobelen14
In addition to his roles at FinCar, Wim van den Nobelen is active on social media, particularly on Twitter where his handle is @Wim_strictly.6 He is also a sports fan, with a particular interest in the football club Willem II.6
Jan 5 ·
Wim van den Nobelen: 'Waarom 2023 voor mij níet het jaar van ChatGPT ...