Wim Haveman
Ontwikkelaar EVENT•HANDS-aanpak
Wim Haveman is a dedicated entrepreneur who invests in people, culture, and society. In 2014, he published the handbook EVENT•HANDS - van zorgvraag naar zelfregie, focusing on the EventHands program and its relevance to current policy developments in the social domain. His work can be explored further at With a strong leadership background, Wim Haveman co-founded B-Challenged in 2010, where they launched the EventHands program. More details can be found at Since 2006, he has overseen and executed various cultural projects and productions, raised funds, guided development processes, and supported initiators in setting up their organizations. Some of the notable projects he's been involved in include and Wim pursued his Bachelor's degree in Cultureel Maatschappelijke Vorming at Hogeschool van Amsterdam.